AED Fully-automatic / Semi-automatic Defibrillator
By lifting the device cover, the FRED PA-1 starts up immediately and guides the rescuer step by step during the entire resuscitation process. The ideal defibrillator for public access areas.
Both versions, the semi-automatic as well as the fully automatic, are available as connected defibrillators: FRED PA-1 Online, with LifeDataNet G2. Check the status of the device or the consumables (battery, electrodes) on the computer, tablet or smartphone and be notified in case of an abnormality. FRED PA-1 Online provides highest possible security that the whole defibrillator fleet is working properly.
Biphasic Defibrillator
Multi-Parameter Defibrillator with Biphasic technology. Lightweight and portable
The DEFIGARD 400 is designed for adult and paediatric application, offering many optional parameters for a complete resuscitation and emergency care.