The Future Of Emergency Resuscitation - SCHILLER

The Future Of Emergency Resuscitation

A four-month pilot study was carried out to investigate the feasibility of AED delivery by drones in real-life cases of an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in 2020. The results of the study are published in the Journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). This study showed that AED’s can be carried out by drones in real-life cases of OHCA with a success rate of 92%.

In December 2021, history was made when for the first time, an autonomous drone delivered SCHILLER’s FRED® easyport AED saving the life of a 71-year-old man in Trollhättan, Sweden suffering a sudden cardiac arrest. FRED® easyport was chosen by the drone manufacturer Everdrone because of its small size and lightweight. Everdrone, collaborated with the Centre of Rescue Sciences at the Swedish Medical University “Karolinska Institutet”, and showed that it is possible for drones to deliver a FRED® easyport AED before emergency services reach the scene.

From the time of the alarm, it took 3 minutes to deliver the AED to the doorstep of the address. The patient was taken to the hospital after initial treatment onsite and has now completely recovered. According to the patient, this technology is revolutionary and should be implemented everywhere as sudden cardiac arrests can happen to anyone and not just to old people with arteriosclerosis.

SCHILLER’s AED FRED® easyport was developed in Baar ZG and has been manufactured by SCHILLER for around 20 years. The device’s weight and dimensions are uniquely small.

The chance of survival for someone suffering from OHCA decreases by 7-10% with each passing minute after their collapse, due to which the existing survival rate of OHCA patients is only 10%.

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